Anaïs Nin, Journals (Volume 1-7)

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Edited and with an Introduction by Gunther Stuhlmann

Various, 1931-74

The Diary of Anaïs Nin is the published version of Anaïs Nin's own private manuscript diary, which she began at age 11 in 1914 during a trip from Europe to New York with her mother and two brothers. Nin would later say she had begun the diary as a letter to her father, Cuban composer Joaquín Nin, who had abandoned the family a few years earlier.

Over the years, the diary would become Nin's best friend and confidante. Despite the attempts of her mother, therapists Rene Allendy and Otto Rank, and writer Henry Miller, to break Nin of her dependence on the diary, she would continue to keep a diary up until her death in 1977.

*** One copy of Volume 2 was donated by August Raven - Please note that most books donated by the artist August Raven were signed by him in black ink on side of the book. The artist created a sculptural donation by signing book sides with india ink, his primary medium. ***

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